Leaving a Gift in Your Will

I wholeheartedly believe in giving back today and for the future.

A picture of Legacy donor Chris Stinson.

I'm a lifelong resident of Port Stanley. It’s the community I have always called home and a picturesque rural setting where my husband, John, and I chose to raise our family. My love for the community extends from my support of numerous local causes, including the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Foundation.

I wholeheartedly believe in giving back today and for the future. That’s why John and I have included a gift to the STEGH Foundation in our Wills. We have two adult children and four beautiful grandchildren. We naturally included our family in our Estate plans, but we also wanted to ensure we included our hospital. As I worked with the STEGH Foundation for over 30 years, I know legacy gifts, no matter how large or small, make a difference.

John and I are recognized for our legacy intention as Amasa Wood Legacy Society members. Amasa Wood built the first hospital in St. Thomas in 1892, and he was known for his kindness throughout the community. Through the Foundation’s Amasa Wood Legacy Society and members like John and I, his legacy of healthcare will continue for generations.

- Chris Stinson

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