I’ve always believed that healthcare is one of the greatest gifts we can give—to our families, our friends, and our community. Every day, I see the difference generosity makes at St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital (STEGH), and I know that so many of you share that same commitment to care.
One of the most impactful ways to support the future of healthcare in our region is by leaving a gift in your Will. More Canadians than ever are choosing to include charities in their estate plans, with an estimated $37 billion expected to be donated through legacy gifts in the coming years. Imagine what that could mean for hospitals, and life-saving medical advancements.
Why Consider Legacy Giving?
Iknow that financial priorities can make it difficult to give as much as we’dlike during our lifetime. That’s what makes legacy giving such a powerfuloption. A gift in your Will allows you to make a meaningful impact withoutaffecting your finances today.
Ourfederal tax laws offer some of the most generous charitable tax incentives inthe world. A gift in your Will may reduce the taxes owed on your estate,allowing you to maximize your legacy for both your family and the causesclosest to your heart.
How Your Gift Makes a Difference
Whenyou leave a legacy gift to STEGH Foundation, you’re helping to ensure that ourhospital remains a pillar of care for generations to come. Your generositysupports:
Yourlegacy means that families in our community—now and in the future—will alwayshave access to excellent healthcare when they need it most.
How to Leave a Gift in Your Will
Thinkingabout legacy giving? It’s simpler than you might expect:
Discover Your Legacy Potential
Curiousabout the impact you can have? Try the Will Power Legacy Calculator to see how even asmall percentage of your estate can create lasting change at STEGH Foundation.
Let’s Start the Conversation
Ifyou’re considering leaving a gift in your Will to STEGH Foundation, we wouldlove to hear from you. No pressure, no commitment—just a conversation about howyour legacy can support the future of healthcare in our community.
Reach out to Bobbi-Jo Gardiner at bobbi-jo.gardinder@steghfoundation.ca or 519.631-2030 x2249 to learn more.
Together,we can build a healthier future—one gift at a time.